4 Reasons to invest in novel writing software

invest in novel writing software

Purchasing novel writing software will not guarantee you a spot in the New York Times list of Bestselling Authors. Nothing can guarantee that. Using novel writing software also won’t help you write a book that will find a publisher instantly and generate a lot of revenue. But there is a point to using software specifically designed to write novels over Word, Pages, or pen and paper.

1. Your level of commitment increases

You probably already have a word processor on your computer. It has been there since you bought the computer. Maybe you have been dreaming about writing a novel for years. Maybe you just had that idea last weekend because you read about NaNoWriMo. In any case, your desire to write a novel is there. But are you committed?

Having dreams is wonderful. But to make those dreams come true, you have to show some commitment. For some people, purchasing novel writing software solidifies this commitment. It’s like purchasing a gym membership or personal training sessions to get fit. You’re more likely to go because you spent money on it. Of course, having an accountability partner may be just as important as having the right tools. Why not use both?

2. Your characters are well planned out

Have you ever tried to write a story using Word? It’s pretty easy to do. But one thing that’s really difficult when you use Word: keeping track of your characters. A lot of writers don’t mind creating characters for their novel as the story progresses. But it can be hard to remember all the details. Throughout your story, you’ll forget their last names and their eye color. Then you resort to having sticky notes all over your screen where you write down important information. Or maybe you have an old-fashioned paper notebook to do just that.

Many types of novel writing software offer great solutions for character development. Novelize keeps all of that information in the notebook panel which is accessible and usable while you’re writing your novel. The notebook can even be used for subsequent novels, which is a great time saver when you’re writing a series.

3. Advanced features make your life easier

Novel writing software makes your life as an author easier. If you’re using Word or a similar program, you can probably find a workaround for most problems. Instead of dragging and dropping scenes and chapters where you want them to be, you can use the good old copy and paste function. Instead of outlining first and using your notes to write, you can color-coordinate your text in Word. But these workarounds can make the writing process more tedious than it needs to be. Novel writing software can also help you with keeping track of your goals in a way Word can’t. There may be a visible progress bar, reminder emails, or both to help you finish that novel.

4. Novel writing software will keep you focused

Good novel writing software has all the features you need to write your novel without distracting you. Novelists don’t need bibliographies, footnotes, and millions of formatting options. Yes, you’ll want to format your novel to meet publishing requirements. And eventually, you’ll get around to doing that. But first and foremost you have to get that novel written. That’s what we emphasize at Novelize. Yes, there are programs out there that offer more features than we do. But all the features in the world won’t help you if you don’t actually get that novel written.