Start your 17-day free trial


Only $9/mo

Or $65/year

Sign up now!

We like to keep things simple. One plan, you choose monthly or annual. All the features.

17-day free trial. Cancel anytime from inside the app.


How long do you think it will take you to write a novel?

It depends. If you’re serious about writing, you can get it done in a year or less. If you need more time, you can always renew your subscription. It’s good to have a deadline. And who knows, maybe you can write two or more novels in that year. You won’t know until you try!

Why should I sign up for Novelize?

You can finally finish your manuscript, just like Kianna Alexander, Brice Spencer, Cynthia Frazier-Buck, J.D. Richards, and many others have done. Don’t forget to tell us when you’ve finished or published your book, so we can brag about you on our website.

What do I need to sign up?

Your name, email address, and credit card information. The signup page will let you know on which date you will be charged - 17 days from today. We’ll charge your card after your trial ends, either $9/month or $65/year-depending on which plan you selected. Check your email inbox for payment reminders and tips for using Novelize.

Is there a free version?

No. Novelize is a paid service. There are lots of reasons to charge a small fee for using it, including paying for the upkeep of the software, developing additional features, and spending time on customer support. We know you have other options when it comes to novel writing software, and we appreciate you giving it a try.

How can I cancel my account?

Just log in and close your account. There’s no need to call or email us. You can cancel whenever you want by clicking a button. Just go to the account page and scroll to the bottom to close your account. On the same page, you also have the option to cancel your subscription and prevent further credit card charges without closing your account - this can be useful if you just want to take a writing break.