How to get of your rut and keep writing your novel


Working on a novel isn’t always exciting. While you may spend hours on end pecking away at your keyboard, some days are much more subdued. If you’re not really feeling it, how can you get out of your rut and keep writing your novel? Why don’t you try a change of scenery?

Try a change of scenery

It can be really beneficial to write outside of your home office for a nice change of scenery. You don’t necessarily have to leave your home, either. In fact, we have come up with a whole list of exciting new writing locations for you to try:

  • At the library

  • At the Zoo

  • Next to the flower beds at the Botanical Garden

  • On a bench at the park

  • On the bus

  • By the pool

  • In your backyard

  • In your closet

  • On your front porch

  • At a coffee shop

  • At the museum

  • At the aquarium

  • Inside the shopping mall

  • On your bed

  • At a friend’s house

  • On a boat or ferry

  • At the campground

  • At your kitchen table

  • Inside the chicken coop

  • Inside a tree house

Don’t let this list stop you from finding other, more exciting places to write. However, there is one requirement your writing place has to meet: you have to like it. It should probably be comfortable enough to allow you to write for extended periods of time, too. But there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from taking a pillow or blanket with you to get cozy.

The great thing about writing in a different location than the one you normally choose is that it may spark your creativity. That’s one of the reasons people enjoy redecorating their home or moving their furniture around. Sometimes change can be really good.

It’s also possible that writing in another location has a calming effect on you. After all, you’re not there to see the dirty dishes in the sink. And you’re not reminded of your to-do-list that includes grocery shopping, cleaning the bathroom, and paying bills. Finally, if you end up writing outside, you might be in a better frame of mind just because the sun is shining on your face and there is a nice breeze in the air.

You don’t even have to work somewhere else every time you write in order to benefit from the change of location. However, getting out of your comfort zone on occasion is a good idea.