How to replace your “said” with synonyms in writing? Up your game with these dialogue tags!

replace your “said” with synonyms

If you are reading this article, chances are you want to take a break from the word “said”. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with the phrase “She said.” and “Said Robert”, all of us would love to put in more variations into our dialogue to keep readers engaged.

Practically speaking, we can make substitutions based on various emotional or tonal context such as excitement, anger, sadness, affection, etc. Here are lists of dialogue tags categorized to keep your writing vivid and engaging.

Said excitingly/happily

  • Exclaimed

  • Cheered

  • Chirped

  • Gushed

  • Raved

  • Rejoiced

  • Blurted

  • Celebrated

  • Beamed

  • Exulted

  • Effused

  • Enthused

  • Applauded

  • Jubilated

  • Glowed

  • Sparkled

  • Triumphed

  • Elated

  • Ecstatic

  • Energized

  • Animated

  • Vibrated

  • Radiated

  • Delighted

  • Bubbled

  • Gleamed

  • Pulsated

Said fearfully

  • Quavered

  • Muttered

  • Fretted

  • Shuddered

  • Faltered

  • Chocked

  • Shrilled

  • Screamed

  • Quaked

  • Shrieked

  • Gulped

  • Panicked

  • Cringed

  • Hesitated

  • Cowered

  • Tensed

  • Froze

  • Retreated

  • Flinched

  • Winced

Said sadly

  • Mourned

  • Sighed

  • Lamented

  • Wept

  • Sobbed

  • Whispered

  • Moaned

  • Muttered

  • Groaned

  • Cried

  • Wailed

  • Whimpered

  • Murmured

  • Bemoaned

  • Pleaded

  • Sniffled

  • Blubbered

  • Keened

  • Bewailed

  • Despaired

Said confidently

  • Announced

  • Reported

  • Remarked

  • Stated

  • Explained

  • Commented

  • Declared

  • Recited

  • Proclaimed

  • Asserted

  • Declared

  • Asserted

  • Proclaimed

  • Announced

  • Affirmed

  • Avowed

  • Stated

  • Insisted

  • Maintained

  • Contended

  • Professed

  • Boasted

  • Pronounced

  • Advised

  • Commanded

Said angrily

  • Snapped

  • Shouted

  • Barked

  • Roared

  • Screamed

  • Yelled

  • Snarled

  • Growled

  • Bellowed

  • Fumed

  • Blustered

  • Raged

  • Seethed

  • Hissed

  • Stormed

  • Ranted

  • Raved

  • Scolded

  • Spewed

  • Grumbled

Said affectionally

  • Cooed

  • Confided

  • Admired

  • Purred

  • Crooned

  • Cherished

  • Complimented

  • Praised

  • Extolled

  • Celebrated

  • Treasured

  • Applauded

  • Enthused

  • Adored

Said quietly   

  • Whispered

  • Hushed

  • Breathed

  • Mumbled

  • Mouthed

  • Subdued

Said in a neutral way

  • Replied

  • Responded

  • Mentioned

  • Noted

  • Discussed

  • Voiced


Wait, don’t stop here. You can click here to better punctuate your dialogue and get more variations in your story.