
Novelize screenshot feature page

It’s time to write your novel!

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Write anywhere on any device

Novelize is a web-based writing app, which allows you to access your work on any device with a browser and an Internet connection. Write from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or Smartphones - just get the novel written.

Keep the important details nearby

Say goodbye to sticky notes. With our notebook on the side, you can keep track of all the important information you need to write your novel.

Stay focused and write more novels

We keep distractions to a minimum, help you track your progress, and encourage you to write more novels. You can even use the same notebook for your novels in a series.

Auto save

Don't worry about saving your work. As you type, we save your information and store it securely in the Cloud.

Grammar plugin support

Put an end to spelling and grammar mistakes. Novelize works with Grammarly and ProWritingAid to edit your work as you go. These links are affiliate links which may earn us a commission if you sign up.


Export anytime

Export your work as a Word document. Save your novel as a pre-formatted manuscript or choose custom formatting. You can also download your outline and notebook contents anytime - even without an active subscription.

Multiple modes

Outline, write, or organize your novel by switching between modes. You can view your outline notes while you're writing, and you can move scenes and chapters around anytime in the organize mode.

Dark/light theme

Early bird or night owl? No problem. Switch from light to dark theme via the account page to make it easier to write.

Private & secure

Your novel is secure with us. Anything you create inside of Novelize belongs to you alone to publish when you're ready to do so.

Backed up

Your work is automatically saved as you type. We also perform regular backups of our servers - just in case. Of course, you can export your work anytime as well.