Should you pay for novel writing software for your first novel?


Congratulations! You have decided to write a novel. Now what do you do? Should you buy novel writing software before you get started writing? It depends. On the one hand, you don’t want to put the cart before the horse. After all, in order to run a marathon, you should probably start running instead of going shopping for running clothes, new shoes, and a water bottle.

Focus on what’s important

Buying novel writing software is not a bad idea at all, but you should still focus on what’s really important. In order to write a book, you’re going to have to (you guessed it) write. You don’t need anything to get fancy to get started writing. You could even use pen and paper. Of course, novel writing software can make a big difference for you and make it easier.

Novel writing software can really help

While you don’t need novel writing software to become the next best-selling author, it’s a tool that can help you out, especially if you’re a beginner. With the proper tools, planning and outlining your story is easy. Good software also helps you keep track of your notes and character information. Last but not least, software can help you stay on track and keep writing.

Outline and plan

The proper novel writing software can help you with outlining and planning your novel. Instead of pouring out your ideas onto paper and transferring them to the computer, Novelize lets you switch from outline and planning mode to writing. You can see your outline while you’re writing which helps you get your novel done.

Save your information

While you’re brainstorming and writing, you’ll need a place to save all of your character information and notes. Novelize has a notebook that helps you keep track of all that information. You can even use the same notebook for several books if you’re writing a series.

Stay on track

The most difficult part about writing a novel is to stay on track and get it done. After all, nobody is making you do this. It’s all you. Fortunately, a good novel writing program will keep you on track with your writing goals, both by showing you your progress and reminding you to write.

What’s the difference between online and offline writing software?

Online novel writing software is portable, allowing you to take your novel with you wherever you are. Offline software must be downloaded onto the computer you’re using to write. To take your novel with you, you must export it onto a USB stick, external hard drive, or into the Cloud.

Saving your novel on your computer and creating a backup on a portable storage device to take with you is the old way to write. Of course, you can still get your novel written that way, but you may not be able to take advantage of every writing opportunity that is presented to you. Additionally, it takes time to create the backup and upload the new version of your novel to your computer, too. That’s time that could be better spent writing. And what if you forget to back up your novel?

There are some advantages to purchasing writing software that can be downloaded. For one, you only have to pay once. But the disadvantages include never getting any updates and not being able to take your writing with you. If you’re using more than one computer for writing, you also have to purchase multiple licenses of the same program. But that’s not as much of a hassle as having to migrate your data when you’re working outside of your home.

What if you have some time to write during your lunch break at work? That’s great unless you don’t have the most current version of your novel with you. What if you have the opportunity to use the computer at the library while your kids are checking out books? If your novel is only saved on your computer - because you’re not using online novel writing software - then you can’t use the time to write.

With Novelize, you can solve these particular issues. Instead of worrying about migrating and backing up your files, you just need a browser and an Internet connection. Your novel is always there for you, just where you left off last time. This is especially useful if you’re jumping between your laptop, tablet, and desktop to write.

Advantages of Offline Software

Using software that you can download on your computer has one obvious advantage: you don’t need an Internet connection. If your Internet provider is unreliable or your Internet speed slower than snail mail, then offline software is probably the right choice for you. However, it’s important to understand the limitations of offline software, too.

Disadvantages of Offline Software

While you don’t require an Internet connection, using offline software has a few disadvantages, such as:

  • You’re stuck using the same computer that has the software on it OR

  • You have to purchase more than one license for each of your computers AND

  • You have to transfer your files using an external device like a USB stick when you want to switch devices

  • You won’t be able to access your novel from anywhere else

  • Your software won’t get upgraded until you install (and pay for) an update

  • A computer crash might result in loss of data unless you’re really good about creating a backup copy

Advantages of Online Writing Software

Using online novel writing software eliminates all the disadvantages that offline software comes with. With an online service, you never have to worry about updates or backups. Plus, you can access your novel from any computer without having to transfer the data using a USB stick first. That’s great news when you find yourself with some time on your hands while you’re away from home.

What’s every writer’s worst nightmare? Losing your work. This is true whether it’s the last 200 words you’ve written or your entire manuscript of 30,000 words. Understandably, some writers are extremely paranoid and back up their work every time they finish a session. There’s nothing wrong with backing up your work. But how much better would it be if your software already took care of that for you? When you use online novel writing software, your backup has a backup. Of course you can still create your own backup by exporting your novel each day.

Disadvantages of Online Novel Writing Software

The one disadvantage an online novel writing service comes with is the one thing that a software download doesn’t need: Internet connectivity. Online services by definition require an Internet connection whereas a software download does not. The good news is that Internet is available almost anywhere you go, possibly even at your doctor’s office.

Monthly or annual novel writing software subscription

Now that you have decided to sign up for your favorite online novel writing software, it’s time to choose between a monthly and annual subscription. How do you decide which one is better? Should you get a monthly subscription to try it out? Should you get an annual subscription to take advantage of potential savings? Here is what else you should take into consideration.

Are You a Serious Writer?

Are you serious about writing novels? Have you already been writing novels for months or years without signs of slowing down? If writing is something you’re compelled to do, then an annual subscription is probably the best choice for you. After all, you’re not going to stop writing within the next few months. Therefore, you’ll probably save money by signing up for the annual subscription. As long as you like the novel writing software, that’s the best choice. And the free trial is there to help you test that out.

Are You Ready for a Commitment?

Signing up for an annual subscription creates a commitment. While you don’t have to use your subscription, it would be a shame if you didn’t. If you need a little kick in the pants to write, then making the commitment for a year might be a really good thing for you. Of course, if you’re a writer, then you probably couldn’t stop writing for a year even if you wanted to. After all, writing is a lot easier than going to the gym….

Do You Like Getting a Discount?

Our annual subscription present a savings of almost 40% compared to the monthly subscription. That means you get more than 4 months out of 12 for free. If you’re serious about writing, you probably don’t plan on taking 4 months off every year. So for most people it makes sense to sign up for an annual plan. Besides, having to pay an annual fee of $65 is quite affordable.

Are You Strapped for Cash?

On the other hand, if $65 is too much to pay at once, then a monthly subscription might be the better idea for you. After all, it’s a lot easier to come up with $9 a month. In fact, you may hardly even notice that it’s gone.

Whether you end up choosing our monthly or annual prescription doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things as long as you keep writing!